Online registration
Online registration form
Contact and billing information

1. General
1.1. You must read, understand & agree to the Terms and Conditions below. It is a condition prior to booking the workshop that you accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions. Once booked we will take this as confirmation that you agree with all terms and conditions set forth.
1.2. The conditions below set out the Terms and Conditions of the relationship between you (the customer) and us (Jana Podolkova, AVSEC & Emergency Training). Please ask for help in your own language should you need it.
1.3. The minimum age to attend the workshop is 18 years old.
2. Payment
2.1 There will be issued the pro-forma invoice once you will complete the registration. After that, to secure your booking please make payment ‘Direct to Bank’ account 2801008538 Fio banka,a.s. (for payment in EUR) or account 670100-2208124984 mBank (for payment in CZK) Name: Jana Podolkova.
3. Cancellation & refunds
Workshop on Security Culture - 1 January 2021
3.1 We appreciate that your situation may change and therefore we offer you the right to cancel up until the 5th of November 2021. Due to the nature of the course there is a 50 % cancellation fee.
3.2 After the 6th of November 2021 any cancellation made will incur a 100 % cancellation fee. We regrets we are unable to offer you a refund after this date. However AVSEC & Emergency Training are happy for you to offer/transfer your place to another individual.
3.3 Please notify we immediately should you wish to transfer your place to another individual or cancel your booking. As stated if you transfer your place, the new participant needs to read and accept these terms and conditions.
4. Copyright
4.1 The participant hereby acknowledges that in the course of the workshop / training which (s)he attends, (s)he will be provided with information, techniques, practices and materials (hereinafter referred to as “information”) which are regarded as confidential and are subject to professional and business confidentiality and protected know-how.
4.2 The participant is allowed to use this information solely for his/her own use in practice, in accordance with the purpose for which they were provided by the instructor. For any other purpose prior written consent of the instructor is required. In particular the participant is not allowed to offer the information further and or when teaching others, etc.
4.3 The participant is obliged to protect the information, (s)he shall not publish them by any means or make them available to third persons. The participant is not allowed to make any paper, digital or any other copies of the information given to him/her in printed form, to make any excerpts, transcriptions, notes, etc.
4.4 In case of breach of this obligation the participant shall be responsible for any damage and any loss profit and shall compensate fully the instructor and render any possible profit obtained by breaching this obligation or in connection therewith.