Screening PAX and Airport Protection
Job specific training of persons implementing screening of persons, cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage NOT operating x-ray, EDS equipment or security scanners
Job specific training of persons implementing screening of persons, cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage operating x-ray, EDS equipment or security scanners
Job specific training of persons implementing access control at an airport as well as surveillance and patrols
Job specific training of persons implementing screening of persons, cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage NOT operating x-ray, EDS equipment or security scanners

Learning objectives
To gain the relevant knowledge and skills to provide hand search of persons, cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage. Overall awareness of other security equipment , e.g. walk-through metal detection equipment (WTMD) or explosive trace detection (ETD) equipment and their safety issues.
Course content
- configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process
- how prohibited articles may be concealed
- response to the detection of prohibited articles
- capabilities and limitations of security equipment or screening methods used
- emergency response procedures
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require, training also includes:
- interpersonal skills, in particular how to deal with cultural differences and with potentially disruptive passengers
- hand searching techniques
- ability to carry out hand searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the detection of concealed prohibited articles
- exemptions from screening and special security procedures
- ability to operate security equipment used
- protection requirements for hold baggage
NOTE – This course will be developed to meet our clients individual needs but also to meet the latest EU standards.
Job specific training of persons implementing screening of persons, cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage operating x-ray or EDS equipment

Learning objectives
To gain the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective X-Ray threat detection duties and provide hand search of persons, cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage. Overall awareness of X-Ray machines plus other security equipment and their safety issues. Using X-Ray equipment in a standard which allows to detect threat / prohibited items reliably.
Course content
- configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process
- how prohibited articles may be concealed
- response to the detection of prohibited articles
- capabilities and limitations of security equipment or screening methods used
- emergency response procedures
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require, training also includes:
- interpersonal skills, in particular how to deal with cultural differences and with potentially disruptive passengers
- hand searching techniques
- ability to carry out hand searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the detection of concealed prohibited articles
- exemptions from screening and special security procedures
- ability to operate security equipment used
- ability to correctly interpret images produced by security equipment
- protection requirements for hold baggage
NOTE – This course will be developed to meet our clients individual needs but also to meet the latest EU standards.
Job specific training of human reviewers of security scanners

Learning objectives
To gain the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective threat detection duties. Overall awareness of security scanners machines and their safety issues. Using security scanners in a standard which allows to detect threat / prohibited items reliably.
Course content
- configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process
- how prohibited articles may be concealed
- response to the detection of prohibited articles
- capabilities and limitations of security equipment or screening methods used
- emergency response procedures
In addition, where the designated tasks of the person concerned so require, training also includes:
- interpersonal skills, in particular how to deal with cultural differences and with potentially disruptive passengers
- hand searching techniques
- ability to carry out hand searches to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the detection of concealed prohibited articles
- exemptions from screening and special security procedures
- ability to operate security equipment used
- ability to correctly interpret images produced by security equipment
- protection requirements for hold baggage
NOTE – This course will be developed to meet our clients individual needs but also to meet the latest EU standards.
Job specific training persons performing vehicle examinations

Learning objectives
To gain the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective vehicle examinations.
Course content
- legal requirements for vehicle examinations, including exemptions and special security procedures
- response to the detection of prohibited articles
- how prohibited articles may be concealed
- emergency response procedures
- vehicle examination techniques
- ability to carry out vehicle examination to a standard sufficient to reasonably ensure the detection of concealed prohibited articles
NOTE – This course will be developed to meet our clients individual needs but also to meet the latest EU standards.
Job specific training of persons implementing access control at an airport as well as surveillance and patrols

Learning objectives
To gain the relevant knowledge and skills to provide access control, surveillance and patrols at the aiport. To protect airfields using electronic equipment as CCTV cameras or perimeter surveillence radar (PSR) as a part of an integrated perimeter security system as well as to conduct frequent patrols of perimeters in the public and secure areas.
Course content
- legal requirements for access control, including exemptions and special security procedures
- access control systems used at the airport
- authorisations, including identification cards and vehicle passes, providing access to airside areas and ability to identify those authorizations
- procedures for patrolling and for challenging persons and circumstances in which persons should be challenged or reported
- response to the detection of prohibited articles
- emergency response procedures
- interpersonal skills, in particular how to deal with cultural differences and with potentially disruptive passengers
NOTE – This course will be developed to meet our clients individual needs but also to meet the latest EU standards.
Learning objectives
To gain the relevant knowledge to implement the baggage reconciliation, to recognize baggage handling issues and to learn the procedures for unaccompanied baggage.
Course content
- previous acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation, terrorist acts and current threats
- legal framework for aviation security
- elements contributing to the establishment of a robust and resilient security culture in the workplace and in the aviation domain, including, inter alia, insider threat and radicalisation
- objectives and organisation of aviation security, including the obligations and responsibilities of persons implementing security controls
- response to the detection of prohibited articles
- emergency response procedures
- passenger and baggage reconciliation requirements and techniques
- protection requirements for air carrier materials used for passenger and baggage processing
In addition, where the person holds an airport identification card, training also includes:
- configuration of the screening check point and the screening process
- access control and relevant screening procedures
- airport identification cards used at the airport
- reporting procedures
- response to security related incidents
NOTE – This course will be developed to meet our clients individual needs but also to meet the latest EU standards.
Are you interested in any training?
We offer courses for entities and individuals in Czech, English and Russian language.