The Insider Threat in Aviation
On 11-12 December 2018, the Irish Civil Aviation Authority hosted a workshop on Insider Threats in Civil Aviation organized by ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference).
S ohledem na aktuálnost daného problému se workshopu zúčastnili nejen zástupci členských států ECAC a Evropské komise, ale také účastníci z Kanady, Izraele, Egypta, Ghany, Konga, Tanzanie, Jordánska, Libanonu, Keni, Ugandy, Pobřeží Slonoviny a Etiopie. Českou republiku reprezentovala Ing. Michaela Volná z odboru civilního letectví Ministerstva dopravy a Ing. Jana Podolková, AVSEC & Emergency Training.
The seriousness of the topics, the workshop was attended not only by representatives of ECAC member states and the European Commission, but also by participants from Canada, Israel, Egypt, Ghana, Congo, Tanzania, Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya, Uganda, Ivory Coast and Ethiopia. The Czech Republic was represented by Michaela Volná from the Department of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport and Jana Podolková, AVSEC & Emergency Training.
The participants highlighted in their presentations the main problems in staff recruitment, background check and the human factor. Francesco Faiulo from the European Commission presented the changes in the field of background check which will be set up in new legislation. The main problem is the misuse of knowledge of both security measures and premises. For this reason, there is a need to focus not only on strengthening background check, but also on creating a robust and resilient workplace and security culture.