ICAO Air Cargo and Mail Security Course

On 20 and 24 January 2020, was held at the Albanian Civil Aviation Authority an ICAO course focused on protecting air cargo and mail from illegal activities.

The course was led by two ICAO trainers, Mr. Urban Blaznik (Slovenia) and Ing. Jana Podolková (AVSEC & Emergency Training, Czech Republic). The course was attended not only by representatives of state authorities (Civil Aviation Authority, Police, Customs and Post Office), but also by staff at the International Airport of Mother Teresa in Tirana.

As part of the five-day training course, they were familiarized with the legislation requirements and the security controls related to air cargo and mail. Individual entities were introduced according to the supply chain and requirements for their approval. During visit at the cargo terminal at Tirana airport, the trainees had the opportunity to test their knowledge in practice. An integral part of the course was also the implementation of monitoring activities.

Foto: Jana Podolková

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