Self-defence and self-control in crisis situations

Global Threats in Civil Aviation Workshop 2019

An important element of the training of cabin crew and airport security staff is undoubtedly self-defence as part of the response to violations of discipline and order, aggressive behaviour, including the use of bundling techniques. Training should also include self-control exercises in crisis situations.

Participants in a workshop on global threats in civil aviation held in Prague on June 4-5, 2019 were able to get familiarized with the elements of self-defence and self-control, theoretically and practically.

Under the expert guidance of Mr. Roman Štědrý, the workshop participants have tried some simple handles that can be used to control the aggressor. In cooperation with the Fire Rescue Service of the Prague Airport, the participants of the workshop prepared demonstrations of the abuse of commonly available substances for intimidating on-board personnel by fire. The brave persons could experience the feelings themselves at the time when fire roll out in full force.

Foto: Denisa Podolková

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